Cricket > Petition




I have Alan Higham's permission to share this e-mail:

"Essex County Cricket Members Group

The latest news from your local member group on major issues impacting ECCC

You are receiving this email because last summer you signed up to the Campaign To Save First Class Cricket in response to the Strauss Review.

Thanks to your response along with over 6000 other county cricket fans, the proposals to drastically reduce county cricket were rejected.

Since then we have formed into the County Cricket Members Group (CCMG) with members across the 18 counties. We have group members on some county boards and committees. Our aim is to grow the counties and help them thrive.

We are writing to you now because there is an even bigger threat than the Strauss Review. The latest ECB proposal is to sell stakes in the Hundred franchise teams to private owners whilst looking at expanding the competition in future years. All this is being discussed in private between the ECB and county bosses with a decision expected before the new season.

You can read all the latest here in this article.

Keep this link handy because we will update it as developments happen.

You should have received notice from Essex of the AGM on 12 December. Please do go if you can or watch online. We want as many people as possible there to ask the Board to promise to give members a vote before the chair votes on these ECB reforms later this winter.

Going forward your Essex CCMG rep Claire Wightman will manage the email updates for Essex members and respond to any comments or questions you may have. I will continue to co-ordinate the national campaign as well as leading on contact with Lancashire County Cricket Club. We already have sufficient signatures to force a SGM at Lancashire if our board refuses to give members a vote.

Please can you also forward this email onto all your cricketing friends who are members at Essex so that they are aware of these issues. You can of course opt-out if you don?t want to receive any more updates but we hope that you will once again join together to ensure members have their say."

He has created a sign up for Essex CCC Members can use to join the mailing list.

With the news coming out of Yorkshire and Hampshire it is more important than ever that people who want to save county cricket become members of Essex.

Members are the owners of the club and have the final say (whatever propaganda is put out by the ECB and the counties' boards) on any decision affecting the future of the county game.

The denouement is fast approaching.

Looks like there are moves afoot again to reduce the number of CC matches to 10 per season from next season.

Man the barricades.


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